Monday, March 15, 2010

Today I am grateful for...

...getting back to basics wonderful job darling house dear, dear friend and sponsor, without whom I might forget to breathe dear, dear friend who was by my side Saturday night
...the movie Labyrinth (for thorough understanding of why, please watch this clip until the end. Thank you!) tea
...taking it easy
...the upcoming Containerscape project that will challenge me and make me lots of money "active" monkey (who happens to still be sleeping because of Spring Break, but I'm referring to all of the activities she's been participating in, while still maintaining straight A status).
...being me

Easy Does It

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Today I am grateful for...

...taking the day off from working so hard on myself
...just being instead of doing doing doing
...neutrality - gray is soft, easy, peaceful
...the grace through which I have experienced the eight worldly dharmas over the past several days
...contentment that arises from living, just today, beyond them
...walking in the light of love

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Today I am grateful for...

...kindness. Spending the day sitting with unkind things I have done that hurt my loved ones wore me out and left me entirely ready to ask God to help me be more open and considerate of others and their feelings.
...forgiveness. I can't expect it from everyone I have wronged, but I can forgive myself.
...learning from my mistakes. Sometimes life's lessons are painful, however I don't have to learn them over and over and over if I choose to do things differently next time.
...Corey Haim. Rest his poor, tortured soul. Oddly, word of his death got the peculiar ball rolling for me today that enabled me to see some things from a different perspective. Weird, huh? fiddle-playing monkey. Enjoyed a lovely evening with good friends, family, Handel and cookies. mom who was kind of enough to bring me the sweetest colorful chunky Kim-like bracelet.
...bed. It beckons me.

Let there be peace on Earth, and let it begin with me.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Today I am also grateful for...

...Sustainers. I'll just leave it at that. And I will pray for them. ;)
...the fine people at Jiffy. It's almost a crime that such delicious corn bread only costs 50 cent.

Today I am grateful for...

...waking up entirely ready for God to remove my codependecy. It's too much work to be so clingy, needy and full of self-pity.
...self-sufficiency, self-love, self-worth all seem to be easier alternatives today.
...Melody Beatty. Couldn't have gotten through the last few weeks without her. Hmmmmm...might that have something to do with this readiness, I wonder?
...Saying what I mean, and meaning what I say. If i don't know myself for sure, I won't say anything until I figure it out. friends. Especially ones who watch House and listen to Leonard Cohen. You know who you are. Could definitely not have gotten through the last few weeks as successfully without you!
...Henry breaking up with me. I know, right? I actually mean it. My Higher Power, through others, can do for me what I can't do for myself, even if I know I need to and it would be the best thing for me.
...being alone sometimes. I no longer need to keep myself overbooked with activities to distract me from the fact that I am alone. I like being alone and doing whatever I want. I like being me. I like the stuff I like. I often agree with me. I like the same music as me. It's really the best relationship I've ever been in. I have so much in common with myself.

Monday, March 8, 2010

Today I am grateful for...

self-righteousness is a tool I have used to justify my behavior and my decisions, many of which have turned out to be the “right” thing for me. Yet today, I see that I do not have to convince anyone else of how right I may be or how wrong they are, so I am entirely ready for God to remove this self-righteous thinking to make room for the quiet compassion that can’t always find its way to the surface.
eloquence and articulation have enabled me to “explain” the same thing over and over and over again, hoping that eventually the person I am speaking to will see it my way and come around to my way of thinking.
humility is how I determine and promptly admit when self-righteousness begins to creep back in.
wisdom to know the difference between God’s will and my will, as well as the difference between humility and humiliation. I do not have to lose any part of my true self to achieve the former.
Al-Anon slogans – such as “Listen and Learn” which I will apply today to remind myself that I do not have all the answers.
Faeries keep me humble by providing me with all kinds of little surprises as reminders of just how human I am, and how important it is to just roll with this life I am privileged to know.

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Today I am grateful for...

...childishness. Seeing the world through the eyes of a child can be liberating. But behaving like one can be limiting, so I am entirely ready to stop acting like a big fat baby when I don't get my way.
...maturity. Now that I have seen that I can be responsible, reliable and consistent, I can start acting like a grown-up and still retain certain childlike values such as trust and silly dancing (fart jokes to be assessed on a case-by-case basis).
...the movie Say Anything. While today in church I was treated to an appropriately moving rendition of "The Greatest Love of All", allowing me to honor the child in me, if the song is going to be stuck in my head all day, I'd like the option to defer to Joe's acapella version from the graduation ceremony.
...the Al-Anon Promises. "We will become mature, responsible individuals with a great capacity for joy, wonder and fulfillment." AHA! The best of all worlds, yes?